Do you and your partner have different ideas about money?
I read this humorous, insightful take on the subject: “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who enjoy saving carefully for the sailboat they plan to buy someday and those who buy the sailboat on credit so they can have the fun of sailing right now. Inevitably, the two marry each other.”
If money is an issue in your relationship, try this prayer for harmony, from my book GRACE ON THE GO: Powerful Prayers to Ease Money Worries:
“Dear God, my partner and I share so many values.
But money differences are driving us apart.
Help both of us realize that our spend-or-save choices
Are neither right nor wrong.
Just different.
Help both of us listen to each other’s point of view, and
Seek to understand it.
Help both of us agree on our financial goals
And help us find a middle way to get there,
Remembering that everything is a gift from our Creator
And must be cared for in harmony.”