But did you know we can be compulsive shoppers even without piling up a big load of debt?
Olivia loved shoes and routinely bought five or six pairs at a time--but only on sale.
Dick called himself a collector, popular nomenclature for guys who delight in electronics, hardware, fishing flies and tools. Are you someone who has never seen a gadget you didn’t like?
Some moms shop compulsively--but only for their kids.
And how about the Santa Shopaholic who over-spends every Christmas?
If we don't buy for ourselves, and we manage our debt, it's harder to see shopping as a compulsion. But if you're starting to wonder as you start the new year, answer these 6 questions:
- Do I use shopping an “outing”?
- Do I buy things I want but don’t need?
- Do I frequently buy on impulse?
- Do I shop when I’m feeling stressed, sad or lonely?
- Do I feel a rush when I purchase something?
- Do I go regularly to E-bay, Craig’s List, or QVC?
The Shopper’s Prayer
Such glitter and pleasure in store aisles!
I pass one enticement; another appears.
What internal need does my shopping fill?
Is there a better way?
Little by little, help me see it, O Lord.